Content tagged with: premises
Statement of Licensing Policy - Licensing Act 2003 statement of licensing policy aims to secure public safety, protect children from harm, prevent public nuisance and prevent crime and disorder whilst encouraging a sustainable leisure and entertainment industry.
Licensing Act 2003 Act 2003
Personal licence application for the sale of alcohol sales of alcohol must be made by, or under the authority of, a personal licence holder. Personal licences are now granted indefinitely with no expiry date. Equally, if you hold an existing personal licence - this remains valid indefinitely and the expiry date should be disregarded. Should you wish to update your licence to remove the expiry date a fee will be charged.
A Temporary Event Notice (TEN) Event Notice's can be used to authorise small scale events held in any premises, both indoor and outdoor.
Minor Variation to a Club Premise Certificate which meet specified criteria set out in the 2003 Act are known as 'qualifying clubs' and the authority under which they may supply alcohol and conduct other 'qualifying club activities' from their premises is a club premises certificate issued by the licensing authority.
Variation to a Club Premises Certificate which meet specified criteria set out in the 2003 Act are known as 'qualifying clubs' and the authority under which they may supply alcohol and conduct other 'qualifying club activities' from their premises is a club premises certificate issued by the licensing authority.
New Club Premises Certificate which meet specified criteria set out in the 2003 Act are known as 'qualifying clubs' and the authority under which they may supply alcohol and conduct other 'qualifying club activities' from their premises is a club premises certificate issued by the licensing authority.
Club Premises Certificates Licensing Act 2003 recognises that volunteer and social clubs give rise to different issues for licensing law than commercially run premises selling direct to the public.
Review of a Premises Licence or Club Certificate Act 2003
Premises Licences - New Application now apply for a premises licence to authorise all the licensable activities they wish to carry on. Premises licences are not be time limited.