School's Declarations of Interest Guidance

All schools are required to keep a register of any business or personal interest of the governors or staff employed at the school and the requirement to keep this register extends to the immediate families of governors and staff. These registers are maintained to protect public funds and help to prevent fraud and corruption by eliminating potential conflicts of interest. This page gives further details of this along with the relevant forms for governors and staff to use to report conflicts to their school.

Why do we record and use this data?

The Fair Funding Scheme for Financing Schools requires all schools to keep a register of any business or personal interest of Governors and Staff employed at the school which should include their immediate families where appropriate. This requirement applies to all authority maintained schools and pupil referral units.

The process of declaring personal or business interests is designed to prevent individuals from abusing their positions, protects them in the event of allegations of this nature and allows the school to manage such conflicts appropriately.

The processes ensures that all relevant potential conflicts of interest are transparently managed and recorded and that any actions taken by the school to manage conflicts or prevent issues is clearly recorded in the case of an issue.

How to make a declaration of interest

All school governors and staff are required to complete an annual declaration of interest form for submission to the school (where there are no conflicts to declare, a nil declaration is still required).   Forms to declare interests can be downloaded via this webpage and should be forward on to your school's office or Headteacher for recording and action.

When received, the declaration must be reviewed by the Headteacher or suitable delegated person and, where there are interests recorded, these must be considered and appropriate actions put in place to protect both the individual and the school.  Any actions put in place must be recorded on the declaration of interest and discussed with the individual so that any conflicts are managed or avoided.  All declarations and mitigating actions MUST be recorded by the school and kept on file and are open to free inspection by governors staff, parents and the local authority (subject to the constraints of the Data Protection Act).  

Declarations must be renewed annually (including nil declarations) or more frequently if there has been a change of circumstances for the individual.  

Downloadable declaration of interest forms

Further advice / Reporting a concern

Advice is available for any local authority school by contacting Internal Audit Services at

Doncaster Council takes seriously any allegations of fraud or corruption and will any concerns in this respect can be raised via Internal Audit Services.  For further information about this, please visit the Council's Anti-Fraud. Bribery and Corruption web pages.
Last updated: 30 June 2023 13:12:31

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