How the Planning Committee works

If your planning application goes to the Planning Committee for a decision this page details the process.

Who sits on the Planning Committee 

The Planning Committee is made up of elected Councillors. Our Planning Committee meets every four weeks and is open to the public. 

Applications considered

The applications decided at our Planning Committee are usually larger scale developments, or controversial changes of use such as applications involving takeaway uses, that have been recommended for approval.

The process 

The case officer will write a report outlining all of the important factors to be considered, and will make a recommendation. There will also be a presentation of the application by an officer, usually with the plans and photos of the site. A letter will be sent to the applicant, agent as well as anyone who has made representations to either support or oppose the proposed development identifying that the application will be presented to planning committee with the relevant date and time of the meeting. 

The report can be viewed by selecting the relevant committee date on the Council Chamber and is available for public inspection five days before the meeting. The public may attend the meeting and a representative of any supporters of objectors may make a short address to the Committee setting out their views. 

The report and recommendation will be considered by members of the Planning Committee. 

The report councillors receive contains a recommendation on whether to approve or refuse the application and the reasons why. Councillors can accept the recommendation or decide to take a different decision if they have good planning reasons to do so. 

Planning Committee may defer a decision to allow them to visit the site themselves or for further information. They may also approve an application in principle but delegate the final decision to officers, pending receipt of further information, subject to the outcome of consultations or completion of a legal agreement. 

Please view the below guide which has been created to assist you with what to expect at planning committee.

Planning Committee Public Guide - June 24
Download (414KB - PDF)

On the 11th January 2022, the Planning Committee approved the Planning Committee Protocol. The Planning Committee Protocol has been adopted by Doncaster Council to ensure the highest standards of probity in the performance of of its planning function. The purpose of the protocol is;

  • To state how the Members of the Planning Committee will exercise those functions, including behaviour in relation to applicants, residents and other third parties;
  • To ensure a consistent and proper approach by all Members to the exercise of planning functions;
  • To ensure applicants and their agents, residents and other third parties are dealt with by Members consistently, openly and fairly;
  • To ensure the probity of planning transactions and the high standards expected in public office; and
  • To ensure planning decisions are made openly, fairly and in the public interest, in accordance with legislation and guidance.
The Planning Committee Protocol
Download (285KB - PDF)

Committee members, calendar of meetings and list of applications

Full details of the working of the committee, including the committee members, the terms of reference, a calendar of meetings, and a full list of applications that will be determined by the committee, are available on our Council Chamber webpage.  

Planning Committee meeting videos

Speak at Planning Committee

The request to speak at Planning Committee complete the:

Request to speak at Planning Committee eform

Or complete the request to speak form below and return it to the address on the form:

Request to Speak at planning committee - updated Feb 2023
Download (53KB - DOCX)

All forms must be submitted no later than three workings days in advance of the committee date meeting i.e by 12pm on the Thursday of the week prior to the committee date. 

More information

Last updated: 22 August 2024 15:39:19

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