Doncaster Foster Carer Association

Doncaster Foster Carers’ Association (DFCA) is a registered charity set up by local foster carers for Doncaster foster carers.

Two children and two adults sitting at home

Once approved, you will automatically become a member of the DFCA and an existing member will contact you to welcome you to Doncaster’s largest fostering family.

What Doncaster Foster Carers' Association will do

We provide many opportunities for foster carers to get to know other foster carers in the area, sharing your common experiences, tips and advice.

Every Doncaster carer is welcome to come along to our weekly youth club. The club is not only an opportunity for children to make friendships in a fun and friendly environment, but it also gives carers the opportunity to get to know other carers within their community too.

We also arrange subsidised trips to the theatre, day trips and many other activities throughout the year. Helping our fostering families to make memories that will last a lifetime.

How Doncaster Foster Carers' Association can help you

We provide one-to-one support for carers by arranging sessions to meet and talk about their experiences and share tips and advice. New members find this particularly useful; as they get to hear about situations, other carers have already experienced and discover ‘tried and tested’ ways of resolving them.

Working together with Doncaster Fostering service

Doncaster Foster Carer Association is independent of Doncaster Fostering Service but works very closely with the team, ensuring that foster carers’ feedback and opinions are voiced.

Introduction Image

Start your fostering journey today...

Take the first steps towards fostering by registering your interest:

Register your interest

Call our fostering team on 01302 737 789 or email We are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. 

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