Content tagged with: education
Doncaster Safeguarding (Child Protection) policies and procedures is essential that all designated safeguarding officers in schools/education establishments follow the Doncaster Safeguarding Children Partnership (DSCP) policy and procedures.
Education and Skills Commission Doncaster Education and Skills Commission was set up by ‘Team Doncaster’ the local strategic partnership of public services, business and the voluntary and community sector.
Out of school, 16+ and adult education the links below for details about adult education, youth service and 16 plus education:
Anti-bullying, preventing and tackling bullying policies school must encourage good behaviour and prevent all forms of bullying amongst pupils.
Life indoors in Doncaster
Romans on the Don teachers pack is a teacher’s resource pack for classes on the Romans and Historical Enquiry at Key Stage 2 of the national curriculum.
Childcare Training and Development concerning training provided by the Council's Early Years Inclusion team.
Community Learning learning is about giving people from all sections of the community access to learning opportunities throughout their lives.
Child sexual exploitation and advice regarding the safety and well-being of children.
National guidance on Education Safeguarding summary of all key national documents can be viewed on this page