Carer application form

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This form should be filled in by the person who is responsible for paying the Council Tax bill, unless they are not able to do so. If you need help or advice please contact us on 01302 734454

These details can be found on your bill or other letters we have sent

Details of the carer/care worker

Note: If there are multiple carer's/care workers you will need to complete an application for each one
  • A carer is a family member, friend, or relative who lives with and provides care to a person that is not their spouse/partner, or child (under 18 years)
  • A care worker is a carer that is employed by the person that is receiving care

Please provide their previous address

Please provide the property address

Details of care/benefits received

Upload instructions

  • You are only able to upload one document.
  • Acceptable file types are pdf, gif, doc, docx, png, tif, jpg and jpeg.

Please provide their previous address

Please provide the property address

Details of care/benefits received

Upload instructions

  • You are only able to upload one document.
  • Acceptable file types are pdf, gif, doc, docx, png, tif, jpg and jpeg.

Please provide their previous address

Please provide the property address

Details of care/benefits received

Upload instructions

  • You are only able to upload one document.
  • Acceptable file types are pdf, gif, doc, docx, png, tif, jpg and jpeg.

Please provide their previous address

Please provide the property address

Details of care/benefits received

Upload instructions

  • You are only able to upload one document.
  • Acceptable file types are pdf, gif, doc, docx, png, tif, jpg and jpeg.

Please provide their previous address

Please provide the property address

Details of care/benefits received

Upload instructions

  • You are only able to upload one document.
  • Acceptable file types are pdf, gif, doc, docx, png, tif, jpg and jpeg.

Employer address

Charity details

If the care worker does not work for a Charity or Council, please provide the name and address of the Charity who introduced them to the person they work for (if applicable)

Details of care worker earnings

Upload instructions

  • You are only able to upload one document.
  • Acceptable file types are pdf, gif, doc, docx, png, tif, jpg and jpeg.

Please provide the property address

Please list all people receiving care

I confirm the information I have given is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I will inform the City of Doncaster Council of any change in circumstances which may affect this application, or any entitlement to this discount. I understand that if I fail to inform the City of Doncaster Council I may be charged with a penalty.