Help Design Doncaster’s Future Homes
City of Doncaster Council wants the input of residents to help shape and design new housing developments for Doncaster.
People from across the city are invited to take part in a series of short and easy visual surveys to express what they want to see in their local area in terms of housing design and new developments.
Please visit to have your say.
The Doncaster Design Code public consultation, which will run until the end of November, will provide a basis of design requirements to create healthy, safe, green, environmentally responsive, sustainable, and distinctive places, with a consistent and high-quality standard of design for the City of Doncaster.
Councillor Phil Cole, portfolio holder for planning, said: "We are asking residents to help us create a framework to determine the design and style of new build houses.
“This will, in turn, help us create a code to inform how new areas should look and feel.
“We want to provide greater certainty for the residents of Doncaster about the design of all new housing developments and bring conversations about design to the start of the planning process, rather than at the end. It will also show developers the standards and design approach we expect for the city.”
After the community engagement period, a completed draft code will be ready for a second stage of engagement.
Once this phase is completed, the results of the consultation will be used and formulated to develop the design code document, which will be adopted as a formal planning document. This will ensure that new housing schemes are designed and built to the highest quality and meet local aspirations.
Upon adoption, the design code will ensure clear design expectations from the start. The code will help control the quality of places to live as it will be used by Town Planners, Housing Developers and Designers to ensure local aspirations are achieved.
- Category: Planning